SecretIovesick ・Illustrateur indépendant


My instagram account

As some of you know, my instagram account @secretiovesick was disabled out of nowhere for "spam" that I've never done. I don't know if I was hacked, or if I pressed something wrong and instagram decided it was spam.For the time being, I've decided to move to a new account called @secretiovesick_art, as I'm uncertain if I'll ever get my main account back. Please read the highlights on @revale1100 for more information.

À propos de moi

Bonjour! Je m’appelle Sam et je suis un illustrateur indépendant vivant au Québec. Je dessine du fanart et des personnages originals.


Hello! I’m Sam and I’m a freelance illustrator and full time shop owner based in Québec. I draw fan art and original characters.


My public discord is secretiovesick#4166Please DM me on other platforms before this discord, as it is not my main account! Instagram is my most active platform.